Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If this is where we are, oh, dear!

So we need to have an addendum here. Remember how relaxed and laid back we were, oh, but a few weeks ago, so eager for new experiences, so flexible?
Well, FORGET IT! We are now back in Ann Arbor, getting the house finished as a potential rental. In the past 2 weeks, we have hired painters, movers, and thus, had the entire house painted, and the furniture moved. We have packed, we have thrown out, we have organized, made calls, did errands, took care of all the annual doctor appointments, bought a new (used) car, and gone to Knights 3 times! WE ARE STRESSED AND HAVE BARELY SLEPT! We are STRESSED!
It is almost over. The painters are now done. Today, they finished the downstairs, and we had nowhere to go, as the kitchen and the family room were bloc ked off. We ended up in our bedroom, in the only bed we have left, which is quite small, and tried to read and relax, while the ceiling fan was blaring and the windows were wide open, so the paint would dry. It being Michigan, it was chilly and damp and rainy, and we were freezing. We finally went to Costco, as we could not stay in the house. We left poor Gus, who is completely perplexed, as he has no idea where all his familiar things are, and there is noise everywhere, and he is constantly in the way. Our only other furniture is a couch, a small desk, a chair, and two stools by the island, which is filled with our leftover crap. It is not a good way to live!
Dan just re-hooked up the Dish Network the wrong way, after finding all the things the painters didn't finish. This is preferable to Monday night, when he decided to do the new 'smart card" thing to the Dish Network, whatever that means, 10 minutes before "24" was on. Dan doesnt' care about "24", but I do. And, of course, though he had the best intentions, it didn't work right, and we had snow for 45 minutes of the show.
So this is our homecoming!
But! Our house in AA looks great, new and clean and bright. We do have hopes of soon renting it so we can pay ourselves back, and save money for a relaxing winter next year. And, hopefully, we will soon be relaxed upnorth, after we sort through all our furniture up there. Pat

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